Here you fill find information about upcoming seminars and a link to request to register.
Upcoming Seminars
Administrative Office of the United States Courts
Federal Capital Trial Project
2025 Fundamentals of Federal Capital Mitigation
March 17-19, 2025
Houston, TX
The Federal Capital Trial Project is pleased to announce the 2025 Fundamentals of Federal Capital Mitigation in Houston, Texas, March 17-19, 2025. The program will run from approximately 8:00 a.m. on Monday, March 17, to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 19.
This training is designed to introduce mitigation specialists, investigators, attorneys, and paralegals, both in Federal Defender offices and in private practice, to federal capital mitigation work. The program is targeted for mitigation practitioners newer to federal capitaldefense work, with a focus on strengthening and increasing the diversity of the community of mitigation specialists practicing in federal court and introducing and educating non-mitigation team members to the functions and importance of this specialized role. This program is free of charge and is intended for federal defender staff, independent mitigation specialists, investigators, attorneys, and paralegals assigned to represent persons charged with federal capital offenses, interested in becoming involved in federal capital defense mitigation work, or who are appealing federal death sentences. It will cover introductory capital mitigation topics as well as developing trends, including using social media as part of your mitigation investigation. There will be presentations related to understanding, developing, and investigating mental health evidence, as well as other areas of mitigation.
This is the first conference organized by the Federal Capital Trial Project focused on federal capital mitigation. We are excited to launch this new program recognizing the need for this important function amid the challenges the federal capital defense community face under the new Administration.
As space is limited, there is an application process to register. Registrants will initially be placed on a waitlist. We expect to provide status updates within 14 days of application. After acceptance to the program, participants will receive an email with additional program details to include travel and lodging instructions. Registration will remain open until February 28th, or until all slots are filled. The Federal Capital Trial Project is committed to increasing the diversity and cultural competency of the federal capital defense community.
The Attendee Registration link is:
Fundamentals of Federal Capital Defense
June 2025
Fundamentals of Federal Capital Defense will be held in June, 2025. This year programming will include additional advanced topics for those who have attended this program in the past. It will be open to the federal defense community at large, with preference given to teams with active cases. There will be no charge for this program. Be sure to check back for more information!
Other Upcoming Training Programs