The declarations provided on this page may be out of date, but are included as samples of what the Project can provide.
Declaration re Juror Questionnaires in Fed Capital Cases (Rubenstein 2024)
Provides examples of (1) portions of juror questionnaires from recent federal capital cases which have proven particularly effective in eliciting prospective jurors’ views about the importance of various factors on their sentencing decision. (Including this type of question in the juror questionnaire facilitates efficient follow up questioning by the parties and Court to explore and discover potential bias and ensure that the prospective jurors who serve are able to give meaningful consideration to both life imprisonment without release and the death penalty, give meaningful consideration and effect to all categories of mitigation evidence, and are constitutionally qualified to serve.) Offers examples (2) of comprehensive juror questionnaires used by courts in 21 recent federal capital cases.
Declaration Regarding Anonymous Juries (McNally 2023)
Provides statistics and other information about the use of anonymous juries in federal capital trials.
Declaration regarding the use of jury selection experts (McNally 2020)
Provides statistics regarding the use of jury selection experts.
Declaration re Number of Peremptories Allowed in Jury Selection (McNally 2019)
Provides information about the number of peremptory strikes awarded the defendant(s) in a number of federal capital trials.
Declaration regarding Jury Selection Practices (Rubenstein Nov. 2024)
Notes vast majority of cases use attorney questioning, jury questionnaires and individual sequestered voir dire.