2023 (January) Revised Death Penalty Protocol
Garland Confirmation Testimony re Federal Death Penalty (Feb. 22, 2021)
Senators Leahy and Cotton questioned Judge Garland on his views of the death penalty generally and in relation to specific cases, and whether he thought a moratorium appropriate.
DOJ Criminal Resource Manual (2019)
Criminal Resource Manual, which includes forms for non-expedited and expedited review.
Garland Confirmation Testimony re Federal Death Penalty (Feb. 22, 2021)
Senators Leahy and Cotton questioned Judge Garland on his views of the death penalty generally and in relation to specific cases, and whether he thought a moratorium appropriate.
DOJ Criminal Resource Manual (2019)
Criminal Resource Manual, which includes forms for non-expedited and expedited review.
2020 (December) Revised DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
In this version DOJ added several whole sections tocovering appeals, 2255s, stays, and executions.
2020 (May) Revised DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
The DOJ Death Penalty Protocol (JM 9-10.000 et seq.) has been amended to require that in the absence of a request to seek the death penalty from the US Attorney, DOJ will not request a defense presentation before the Capital Case Review Committeeunless two of the committee’s four members request such a meeting.Before the change, a single member could request a meeting with defense counsel.
2020 (January) Revised DOJ Capital Crimes protocol
No major changes to note in this revision.
2018 Revised DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
In April 2018, removed subsection C to 9-10.160 regarding post-conviction requests, which had been added in January 2017.
2018 AG Memo re Use of DP in Drug Related Prosecutions
2017 Revised DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
In December 2017, added description of Capital Review Committee to 9-10.130.
2017 DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
in January 2017, added subsection C to 9-10.160 to include “Requests for Relief Following Conviction and Sentence."
2014 DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
Click here for Attorney General memo announcing revisions.
2011 DOJ Death Penalty Protocol
Click herefor the Attorney General memo announcing the revisions.
2007 DOJ Death Penalty Protocol