Anna Jeno joined the Capital Resource Counsel Project in May of 2015. In her role as CRC Paralegal, Anna provides support to teams requesting assistance with logistics, team coordination and technology support. Anna brought her experience as a commercial litigation firm's technology specialist to the CRC Project, which included technology support, structural organization support, and document review on large regulatory investigations, litigation, and private-sector commercial litigation. Prior to that foray into civil litigation, she clerked in Multnomah County Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, and helped develop protocols for that county's first mental health court. Her educational background includes a J.D. from Lewis and Clark Law School (2007), M.A. in Public Policy and Women's Studies from The George Washington University (1998), and B.A. in English, minor in Black Studies and Communications from The Ohio State University (1995). She moved to Portland, Oregon in 2000, where she worked for a non-profit alternative school for at-risk youth.